Actor Evolution: Patrick Fugit

Patrick Fugit is so interesting.  He's normally front-and-center as the main character, except it's usually in a weird little indie film that turns out to be amazing.  Every now and again he does a supporting role that is usually as memorable as the main role for whatever reason.

He's not one of those actors that just takes whatever comes his can tell he chooses what he wants to do and won't take anything less.  I think it makes him a better actor.
1. Almost Famous (2000)

William Miller

William Miller: "When and where does this "real world" occur?"

2.  White Oleander (2002)

Paul Trout

Paul: "I was born addicted to heroin."
Astrid: "And what was that like?"
Paul: "I don't know - I was out of rehab by the time I was six months old."

3. Saved! (2004)


Mary: "What?  Did they send you over so you could strap me onto the back of your scooter?"
Patrick: "Scooter"?  Mary, this is a Vespa."


Zia: "I'm not going out tonight.  It just makes me depressed."
Eugene: "So, what are you gonna do?  Kill yourself?"

Bickford Shmeckler

Spaceman: "You disappeared on us."
Bickford: "Yeah, I constantly disappear and reappear.  It's a thing I do sub-atomically.  It's happened several times in this conversation already, but it happens so fast that you couldn't perceive it."

Evra the Snake Boy

Evra: [embarrassed after shaking Darren's hand and leaving some skin behind] "Sorry about that, shedding.  Itches like crazy."

7. Gone Girl (2014)

Officer Jim Gilpin

Jim: "You ever hear the expression the simplest answer is often the correct one?"

8. "Outcast" (2016)

Kyle Barnes

Reverend Anderson: "Why are you coming with me?"
Kyle: "To find answers."

So, remember him now?  If not, you should check out some of his work.  I find him to be pret-ty entertaining.  

Some Fugit titles I'd still like to see:
Spun (2002) because the cast is astounding.
Dead Birds (2004) because I've heard good things.
To see a full list of his work check out his IMDB page.

Here are some other Actor Evolutions, you know, if you're into that kind of thing:


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