Fascinating Fanart: Psylocke

Yay!  Psylocke!  I've been waiting for sooooo long for her to be in an X-Men movie!  And no, that five-second role in 'Last Stand' does not count.  Not by a mile.  Not only is she finally in her getup-which looks like she stepped out of the comics (see below), but we finally get to see her use a sword and Psi-Bolts (you'll see...)!  You'll notice in the fan art that sometimes she looks Asian and sometimes she doesn't.  That's because during her comic run, she had two bodies-one British and one Asian because crazy shit happens in comics!  They could dedicate an entire movie to her and we still wouldn't scratch the surface of her story so far.  So here she is in (most of) her comic forms:

miss psylocke by kate-n-bd

Do you love Marvel characters?  Check out my other posts:
Comic Book Couples
80s Storm


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