Movie Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

I couldn't help but show up at the theatre both eager out of my mind while still being a little skeptical.  I mean, we all saw Episodes I, II and III.  When the Star Wars logo finally hit the screen, it felt like I was about to watch this long-lost piece of history that was top secret and only the people in the theatre were being allowed to view it.  Intense, right?  It was.

The tone of the film is much the same as Episodes IV, V and VI.  I can't tell you how much it felt like being dropped right back into that world.  The beauty of the whole thing is that you truly have no idea what's about to happen at any given time.  A lot of my generation can't remember the first time we saw the original trilogy because it's so ingrained into our childhoods, but I imagine it must have been like this.  That is something (aside from direction) that made the sequel trilogy less exciting.  You knew Anakin would become Vader.  There was no "Oh, no!  What?!"  You already know what comes next, so where's the suspense?  The Force Awakens, though...yeah, it delivered.

It's essentially the story of newcomers Rey and Finn.  Both are played by these totally natural up-and-comers Daisy Ridley and John Boyega.  I'd never seen Ms. Ridley in anything before and she was astonishing.  I'd seen Boyega in this British sci-fi movie called Attack the Block, which you should absolutely check out.  Also, I kind of just love his face.  The reason the story is compelling is that, like most Star Wars stories, family is wicked-crazy messed up and you just want to see these people find their place in the world.  You want the good guys to win and you want the bad guys to get what's coming to them and isn't that the best (and oldest) story we tell?  There's got to be a reason for that.

The thing that made this one shine, though, was the characters entirely.  They were absorbing, fleshed-out, singular people (or droids, or aliens...) that each had their own thoughts and goals and missions and just ended up clashing or coming together.  I, for one, can't wait to see more of Maz Kanata (that adorable little alien there) and Poe Dameron.  They were probably my favorites.  They also kept the humor.  That laid-back, happenstance humor that made the original trilogy so fun to watch.  No goofy, bumbling anything.  Just easy laughs.

Did I mention the bad guys, yet?  I think they're are a few more surprises in store for us somewhere down the line.  They give you part of the reasoning behind their evil plot and let you know that the Dark Side (as always) never just went away.  In all actuality, they give you as many answers as they do questions and leave you waiting to find out what happens next.  Which is exactly what I want in any saga, don't you?

The most memorable scene from this movie?  Most memorable?  HAha!  Yikes.  I'm just thinking about everything that happened in the movie and yeah, there's too freaking many.  Memorable.  The ones that aren't spoilers are just hilarious and fun and I'd rather you just watched it and chose your own.  If you can.  I don' brain hurts.

Finn: "Ok, stay calm...stay calm..."
Poe Dameron: "I am calm."
Finn: "I was talking to myself."

This gets, like, a 12 million out of 10.  You're either that type of Star Wars fan or you're not and I guess I am.  So, that's 'ma rating.

The extras from this are pretty cool, I think.  You remember the first movie I reviewed for this blog?  That's okay, I'll remind you.  It was Ex Machina and it starred two of the actors from The Force Awakens in reverse roles.  Domnhall Gleeson plays the timid protagonist, but in Star Wars, he is the (almost) fearsome General Hux (see redhead behind Kylo Ren in the Dark Side picture).  Oscar Isaac, on the other hand, plays a sadistic genius but played the flippant fighter pilot, Poe, in Star Wars!  Honestly, I don't know why I love connections like this.  I just do and always have.

Lastly, that same sadistic genius and flippant pilot will be playing none other than one of the biggest (hehe) X-Men villains of all time-Apocalypse, in the upcoming movie X-Men: Apocalypse (2016).  So, the guy's a phenomenal actor-watch out for that one.

Lastly, what did you think of the new movie?  Did you also pick up a new favorite character?

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