Book Review: Wild Country by Anne Bishop
Wild Country by Anne Bishop
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"Humans. Couldn’t live with them; couldn’t eat them all."
I'm not entirely sure when this series jumped to the front of my "Can't Wait" list, but it absolutely has.
I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of people in this story that I was already aquainted with from previous books. It made getting to know the newer characters more layered. I was learning about the people I didn't know anything about right along with them.
I still can't put my finger on exactly what makes these books such an absolute treat to read. I'm generally into fast-paced, fun adventures with amazing character development, but these are more of a slow burn. Maybe a quick trot? Maybe all three?
Whatever it is, it always leaves me feeling thankful to be a part of this amazing world and longing for what happens next.
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