Fascinating Fanart: Gravity Falls!

So do you want the good news or the bad news?  We'll just rip that bandaid off.  I'll only be doing 'Fascinating Fanart' posts every other week-starting now.  This was never intended to be a blog dedicated to fan art, as amazing as it is!  My hope is that I'll have more time to post other content such as reviews and lists.

So, onward...Gravity Falls!!!  Were you guys lucky enough to see this eerie, creative show?  Did you enjoy shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog, Over the Garden Wall, Aaahh! Real Monsters or Invader Zim?  That is to say: super creepy, extremely weird and entertaining cartoons?  Well, you should definitely check this one out, then...because damn.  It's a true shame that it only got two seasons, but man, are they worth watching!  Can you pick out a favorite moment?


  1. I'm glad you linked to this in the Comic Book Discussion Group!

    And there's no way I can pick a favorite moment from this show. I haven't finished all of the second season yet, because I'm not mentally prepared for it to be over with. I love "The Inconveniencing" and "Summerween." And Mermando is amazing. As is "Fight Fighters." Everything! Everyone needs to watch this show!

    1. I agree 1,000%. I do recommend you finish it out, though. With the way everything ends, it seems like the writers had time to prepare. :)



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