Movie Review: The Outsiders (1983)

I knew before watching this that it would be poignant and there was a possibility I might cry.  Also, there's like, 12,000 big actors in this movie.  Shut know what I mean.  And where I'm used to seeing these guys as middle-aged they are as rebellious teenagers.  Trippy.  Really trippy.

Did you ever read Catcher in the Rye?  It's a bit like that only the main character isn't so sardonic.  I'd also recommend it to people who grew up on movies like Now & Then or Rebel Without a Cause.  It's kind of all about how when your parents suck, you can trust your friends because their parents suck, too.  It's also about class wars.  The poor kids vs the rich ones.  Only in this it's the Greasers vs the Socs (pronounced as if you're shortening the word 'social').

It's a compelling film because right off the bat you like these kids from the wrong side of the tracks.  You understand that they're struggling and you really want them to overcome the odds.  It doesn't hurt that the Socs are complete assholes and gang up on them every chance they get.

Those actors I mentioned earlier?  That's why you watch this.  You get a near-redneck Tom Cruise, a dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks but loyal Emilio Estevez, and a loveable, stuck-in-the-middle Rob Lowe.  Those guys aren't even the main characters.  There's also some fights.  Oh, and everyone has great character names like "Sodapop" and "Ponyboy."

There were quite a few, actually.  I don't know...I guess the sunset scene?  Maybe the scene where they're all running after Dally?  The fire?

Jerry Wood: "You guys are three of the bravest kids I've seen in a long time.  What are you guys?  Professional heroes or somethin'?
Ponyboy:..."We're Greasers."
Jerry Wood: "Are-Are you kidding me?"

This gets a solid 8 out of 10.  I think it would have been more impactful if I'd seen it in my formative years, but it had no problem holding my attention and keeping me entertained.


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