Movie Review: The Legend of Billie Jean (1985)

I was pretty sure I was about to watch a super-80s flick about a badass biker (surfer?) chick.  I mean, check out that poster, right?  I also assumed that was Lori Petty.  I was wrong on both counts.  The Legend of Billie Jean was so, so much more.

It's like this:  Billie Jean has a younger brother, Binx (played by the oh-so-young Christian Slater), and he has this wicked awesome scooter.  Bullies gang up on him, wreck said scooter and Billie, being a rocktastic sister, decides to seek out payment.  The father of the bully then tells her she can pay with her body (ew) and little brother accidentally saves her with a gun he found.  And that's only the setup, folks.  They go on the run and Billie accidentally becomes the face of a movement.

It keeps you hooked because 1. how could you not be, 2. check out those clothes and 3. all the main characters are totally oddballs.  I would have liked to have seen this around the same time I discovered Ferris Bueller or The Breakfast Club.  It's kind of like those in that it's all about doing what you think is right is spite of those who would tell you to keep your head down.

Did I mention exactly how funny and circumstantial the whole movie is?  Because the funny stuff is perfect and I can't even get into all of the shenanigans that happen in-between the inspirational parts.  Oh, and the hostage.  Also, remember how I thought that was Lori Petty?  It's Helen Slater of Supergirl fame.

Either Billie's 'transformation' or the mall chase scene.  Both were pretty memorable.

Boy: "Did you rob that liquor store in Galveston?"
Binx: "Yep, that was us."
Billie Jean: "We did not."
Guy: "What about that school in Laredo? You burn in down?"
Binx: "No way, guy. We don't do schools."

I happily give this an 8/10 for being so damned entertaining.  And funny.  And moving.  Oh, and having an ending that I enjoyed.


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