So Long for Now!

So, I know there aren't an abundance of people that actively read this blog...according what I look at, there's about six of you.  I thought I would be polite and let you know that I'm going on a kind of hiatus.

It's one of those "life is happening" things where I've just got other things going on on top of that other thing I do every day where I clock in and someone decides I get a paycheck.  Yes, job.

It's busy everywhere I go right now and I just don't have the extra time to create posts that are fun to read (because they should always be fun to read!)

This isn't a farewell, either.  I don't have many people in my life that share my sense of humor or my taste in movies and TV shows.  I do need to share my silly as it seems.  And though I may not have time for watching a ton of movies right now, it's not like I'm giving that up anytime soon!

I'll be back (you totally just said that in Arnie's voice, didn't you?).  I'm hoping to write some great stuff through the winter and start posting again in early 2017.  See you then?


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