your characters in a movie belongs to you. Haha. My mind was quickly quieted by the story unfolding on the screen. A wonderful duo of actors made cameos as Bruce Wayne's parents as they introduced this incarnation of DC's Batman. I'm about to give all of my impressions of
Batman v Superman and I'll do my best not to spoil too much!
Firstly, I didn't expect there to be so much Lois & Clark.
Man of Steel (2013) led me to believe that she was necessary but not a prominent character. I guess with everything the news and trailers told me I was getting (a new Batman, Wonder Woman, Luthor, Cyborg, Flash, Aquaman...Doomsday!), I just didn't expect them to make time for her. It first plays out as the Clark-loves-Lois story and it's an ongoing theme throughout. It's part of what made this version of Clark Kent/Superman so damn relatable. That and they made Lois seem like Lois. She's going off to dangerous countries just for a story because that's what she does. Bravo, guys. That's part of a good Superman story, like it or not.
While we're seeing that story, we're also seeing the fight between Zod and Superman through the eyes of Bruce Wayne/Batman played by Ben Affleck. If anyone says Batfleck didn't nail this part, I wholeheartedly disagree most vehemently and such. He was a broody-ass billionaire and a kicking-ass Batman. I'd like to have seen more of the Bruce Wayne persona (mask), but that's why he's getting a standalone movie, I suppose. He's the Dark Knight of Gotham and it's a different kind of place than Metropolis. In this story, it seems the cops are aware of him, but not quite on his side yet. Terrified but grateful. Jeremy Irons' Alfred was just as fun as Sean Pertwee's version on "
Gotham". He's as fierce and flippant as he should be and I can't wait to see more of him, either.
Next, the story brings together Bats, Supes, Wondy and Luthor in a formal no-costume sequence of scenes that begins the real set-up for the rest of the film. Everyone's got a motive and some remain a mystery. Luthor is bananas. Like, with
everybody. He doesn't even pretend not to be bonkers and it kept me on the edge of my seat in every scene he was in. Eisenberg brought new life to this nemesis of the Man of Steel and it was enthralling. I'm hoping they introduce him inside-out and the next we see of him is him learning to hide his crazy so he can maneuver politically. Just a thought. They also introduced his bodyguard, Mercy Graves, and I hope to see more of her because she's a total brute.
There's this steady dream-sequence thing happening to Bruce Wayne throughout the film and some people I know are arguing that they're prophetic dreams, or dreams from multiverse Batmans. Who knows? It should be a fun thing to see unfold.
I loved how they chose to introduce the Justice-Leaguers. I thought it fit well with the story, while giving you a solid tease about Cyborg, Aquaman and the Flash. Not to mention getting you fired up for the upcoming Wonder Woman film. It wasn't an interruption and it wasn't an was just a part of things. Cleverly done.
Oh, yeah! You remember how there wasn't any Kryptonite in the last movie? There
IS now! Lex and Bats pretty much cat-and-mouse to get it throughout the film because they're both convinced Superman's a monster! That was good times. Batman does experiments and gadgets it up while Luthor makes plans. This whole thing played out just like a damn comic. After this, it's pretty much action and fighting. But in a good way. With action.
It's at this point in the film that we get to see everyone finally come out and BE them. You get Bats vs Supes (after all that lead up, yes, but I assure you, it's worth it!). You get Luthor's villain monologue explaining damn near everything, you get Doomsday and finally, Wonder Woman pops up and shows you exactly what Amazonian Warrior
really means. This whole sequence is the icing on the cake of this movie. It couldn't have gone down more perfectly...especially the end of the battle. I was surprised where I shouldn't have been because I was so focused on everything I was already expecting. Holy shit, what a freaking journey.
I struggled with this one. So much goes on throughout the movie, but I think I'm gonna settle on the full-on Trinity scene. If you've seen it, you know the one. If you haven't, man you're in for some impressive DC-style action.
Lex Luthor: "Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus man. Day versus night! Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham!"
Can I rate this 12-million out of 10? I mean, it was everything I wanted it to be. No, it wasn't perfect and I'd probably hate it if it was. There are parts I probably won't get until I watch it for the fourth time, at least. But it was entertaining, introduced a ton of characters without feeling convoluted (I'm looking at you, X3 and Spider-Man 3), set up a whole universe, got me interested in future endeavors as well as flat-out blowing my mind in some places. So, yeah. I loved it.
SPOILERS, K?? There's also this kinda-weird cameo by The Flash where he's shouting at Bats about the future and Lois and it's all
very important. Here's the spoiler-ific clarification: He's future Flash, possibly changing the timeline by warning Batman of future events, which leads to Batman asking WW for help gathering the 'others' later on. Most likely, Darkseid (pronounced dark-
side) is going to be our awesome Justice League villain. In Batman's 'Knightmare' (which happens directly before his Flash vision), he witnesses a giant omega symbol on the ground and flying creatures wearing goggles as soldiers with Superman patches take him down.
That symbol is frequently used by Darkseid and his minions are called 'parademons' and they fly....and they have goggles. He also happens to be a god from a planet called Apokolips. The only bit that doesn't completely add up is when Luthor says that 'he's' hungry. Because everyone knows it's Brainiac that's
hungry....I guess we'll see!!!
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