Book Review: A Shifter's Curse by Raven Steele & Ava Mason

A Shifter's Curse by Raven Steele My rating: 4 of 5 stars ""I heard about what you did. That took some balls." "Ovaries,” I corrected. I'm one of those people that curses like a sailor around people I know won't be offended. If that's a turnoff for you, don't bother with this series. You will think the heroine is juvenile and crass. Personally, I don't mind swearing and I like my heroes to have room to grow and learn rather than being flung in front of me fully-formed and all-knowing. That's what the wise, teacher character is for. Still with me? Good. I was pleasantly surprised by the use of fairly common tropes that didn't leave me feeling bored or like I had the answers already. I can see where a lot of things are heading, but I was given just enough information to ponder without the answers being plain-as-day. I feel like that's the best way to describe this book. "Exceeded expectations." My favorite ...