
Showing posts from November, 2018

Book Review: Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns

Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns by Geoff Johns My rating: 4 of 5 stars ....OR "Hal teams up with Ollie a bit and then bucks the system." "I suppose he was seeking out your assistance." "K-k-kill Him. I will KILL Hal Jordan!" "Or NOT." The first half of this book features Mongul, Black Mercy, a strained and short-lived Batman teamup (that was fun to read) , and a really awesome appearance by the Tattooed Man. THEN, we skip forward to a year later, post-Infinite Crisis. The tone changes a bit, but it's still beautiful and easy to get into. This part features Rocket Reds, Igneous Man, a shady group called the Global Guardians, hints at the future Sinestro Corps, and then the best storyline...starting with Tomar Tu. So, you know, amazing. View all my reviews

Book Review: Green Lantern Vol. 1: No Fear

Green Lantern Vol. 1: No Fear by Geoff Johns My rating: 4 of 5 stars "The plane engine goes dead." "Warning. Power levels at 0.0%..." "The ring follows." "Believe it or not...I still got a plan." This book heavily focuses on Hal Jordan and his past as well as the reprecussions of the last book. We meet the pilot, Cowgirl, Hal tries getting back into the Air Force and Kilowog tries rebuilding the Green Lantern Corps. We also get some awesome villains such as the Manhunters, Black Hand (again), King Shark (!!!) and a very moonstruck Hector Hammond. I enjoyed learning that the German language is actually Krolotean, and that the other new Lanterns are surprised that Hal Jordan is smart enough to speak since he's from Earth and all. Yep, I'm quickly becoming a fan of this whole world. It really doesn't hurt when there are stories illustrated by Darwyn Cooke and Simone Bianchi. View all my reviews

Book Review: Green Lantern: Rebirth

Green Lantern: Rebirth by Geoff Johns My rating: 5 of 5 stars "Forcing your willpower into the ring . Asking it to give your thoughts... life ...Is that what it's like ?" " Every time." "Damn." WOW. That was such a space adventure!! This is the volume that kicks off Geoff Johns iconic run which brought the Lantern Corps mythos back to its glory. When we enter the story, Hal Jordan is seen as a criminal and a terrible person not worthy of any kind of forgiveness. Between the writing and the amazing artwork, it weaves a tale of a hero that is struggling for redemption while also asking you to notice these other heroes that feel like they're being brought back to life as well. Every time something goes their way, it actually feels like a victory and it's such a hopeful story. I'm on to the next one and I'm so excited to find out what comes next! View all my reviews

Book Review: Kingdom of Ash

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas My rating: 5 of 5 stars "Things from legendsā€”thatā€™s who surrounded him. The witches, the spider ā€¦ He might as well have been a character in one of the books heā€™d lent Aelin last fall." "She was no helpless princess. She had never been." Do you love a good epic fantasy? If so, read this series! This thing was more satisfying and enthrallling than it had any right to be. That goes for this book and the story as a whole. The character the whole story revolves around is for the most part unlikeable. She's brave and intense and self-sacrificing, but she's a terrible person, too. I freaking love that. On top of all that, she's young and naive and thinks about all of her problems like some really long game of chess that she refuses to lose. She's not a Disney princess, y'all. And the assortment of characters we pick up along the way? MAN. Each of them is so unique and some you instantly feel prote...